HPLC & Hb electrophoresis

What are the methods of hemoglobin analysis? 


Protein based method 

Molecular method (DNA based) 


What is protein-based method? 

Gel based electrophoresis 

Capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) 

Isoelectric focusing (IEF) 

High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) 


What is the principle of protein-based method? 

The basic idea is to separate the negatively charged proteins based on the size or electrical charge and adsorption of certain substance.

These proteins are then detected by photometer and graph is plotted. 


Which are the most commonly used these days? 

HPLC, CZE and IEF are commonly used  

Labs prefer HPLC and CZE as they can process large volume of samples in a relatively shorter time. 


What are the advantages of HPLC? 

Fully automated 

High precision

Rapid, high throughput (short run times) 

Only a very small sample (e.g., fraction of a blood spot for newborn screening) is required.

Can identify and quantify many variant  hemoglobin 

Can identify and quantify normal hemoglobin (including Hb F, Hb A2 and Hb Barts) 

Information from the pattern of variant peaks guides further testing. 


What are the disadvantages of HPLC? 

Capital cost (equipment and reagents) 

Interpretation of results requires technical  skill, experience

Interference/interpretation of results affected by prematurity (in newborn), recent transfusion 

Decreased resolution with sample age due to Hb degradation. 

Cannot distinguish Hb E, from Hb A2 

When results are reported, the Hbs are listed in the order of abundance (from the highest to the lowest amount). As examples: 

HB AS indicates that the amount of Hb A is greater than the amount of Hb S, consistent with sickle cell trait. 

Hb SA indicates the amount of Hb S is greater than the amount of Hb A, consistent with sickle-beta+ thalassemia. 

What are the advantages of gel electrophoresis? 

Low cost 

Separation of major Hbs (Hb A, Hb F, Hb S/D, Hb C/E/O-Arab) and several less common Hb variants 

Acid pH (citrate agar) resolves Hb S and Hb C 


What are the disadvantages of gel electrophoresis? 

Poor separation of Hbs other than Hbs A, F, S, C 

Cannot distinguish Hb E from Hb O, or Hb D from Hb G 

Labor intensive 


Capillary zone electrophoresis is better than gel-based electrophoresis 

Separates Hb A2 from Hb E (unlike HPLC) 

But poor separation of Hb S from Hb D 


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