Treatment of Wilson disease

What is the aim of treatment of Wilson disease? Removal or copper deposited in various organ and Prevention of reaccumulating. Along with the pharmacological therapy people with Wilson disease should reduce the consumption of Copper containing food items. For Clinical features and diagnosis of Wilson Disease First introduced in 1956 AD and still the standard of treatment. How does it act? The sulfhydryl group in d-penicillamine chelates copper removes the copper from the tissue and out of the body via urinary excretion. It can also induce the endogenous hepatic metallothionein, a cytosolic metal-binding protein, which sequesters copper and thereby limiting damage to the liver. How penicillamine is absorbed? Its absorption is decreased by as much as 50 percent when taken with food. Thus, it should be taken 1 hour before or 2 hours after meal. What is the dose of D-penicillamine? The drug is introduced at a dose of 250 to 500 mg/day and then increased ...